Thursday, May 3, 2012

bye bye april.


i am most happy to report that this semester of school is over. needless to say i barely survived this one. the combination of biology that i don't understand mixed with a four hour film class plus a couple others was a little too much for me. let me just say there was a brief stretch when i was sure to fail this said biology class. seeing as this is a nursing pre req for me and i am on a time schedule it wasn't in my plans to fail. i managed to get outta there with a b-. that's right people a b-. this did take a little convincing and possibly slight begging to my teacher. i don't normally beg for things but when it comes to science i have no shame. so my stress took a great drop for which i am grateful for, as is pretty much anyone who comes in contact with me. these are some pics pre finals week with an exception for the last two. that smile of mine is the moment i finished biology. i just couldn't stop the smiles for a solid hour after i left class.

my lover face turned 30  a couple weeks ago. we celebrated his birth in st. george with his family. it was a great getaway filled with lots of food, lounging, and naps. i got my blakers a pair of ray bans on his big day. this dude has never owned anything more than gas station sunglasses that were more often than not broke right down the center. you'd think he'd spring for another pair at that point but he just put a little black tape on the wound and called it good. that was how i first met him, with taped up sunglasses on that gorgeous mug of his. happy birthday blakely boy, i love you.

i was also in attendance for ragnar socal. it was a great race that i got to do with my sister and friend amy. i love/hate ragnar's and will most likely continue to do them forever. we had a rad time running with a great group of people. not to mention we did get to see a beautiful heidi herway and her very good looking fam at the finish line. adios april. you won't really be missed.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

i got a shout out! :) i too love/hate ragnars. they're miserable and awesome at the same time. so good to see you girls! and yeah, i'm blog stalking at 12:30 a.m i need to go to bed.